Global Coverage / Scale

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25+ data centers, flexible deployments, unlimited CCUs, and cost-saving multi-tenancy

Global Coverage

25+ Global Data Centres

With 20 Dedicated (pay-per-capacity) and 6 On Demand (pay-per-stream) streaming providers globally, we can provide you with the scale and coverage for you to give your users the best streaming experience. Our platform ensures the best streaming experience with real-time routing decisions based on geographic location, model availability, and infrastructure capacity, while minimizing user wait times

Flexible Deployments

Get the right distribution model for your interactive experience. Whether it's your first stream for your MVP/prototype using our On Demand provider, or full-scale releases for global audiences using our Dedicated offering, we've got you covered.

Unlimited CCUs (Concurrent Users)

Reach the audience you want on any device, anywhere in the world, and at the scale you need. Our platform minimizes load times and latency, while efficiently managing traffic spikes.


With our platform's multi-tenancy feature, you can "stack" multiple models on a single container, maximizing resource efficiency and significantly reducing costs. This innovative approach allows you to save money while maintaining high performance and scalability for your projects.

Annual Plans

Learn more about our annual Pricing plans.

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